Your Content Transformation Partner
Transform Content into a Competitive Advantage using AI

Content is growing rapidly, coming from a variety of sources .....

These sources include ....
News, Social Media, Scientific Publications, Regulatory Agencies, Product Reviews, Legal Proceedings, etc.

> 80% of this content is unstructured, fragmented & underutilized

Most solutions focus on the < 20% content which is structured

…while most of the unstructured content remains fragmented and underutilized

Unstructured content requires manual review to do accurate interpretation

Challenges of Manual Review
High Effort
High Cost
High Variability (human-to-human variation)
Low Capacity
Low Scalability
Low Job Satisfaction (high volume, repetitive tasks)

Our content solutions help you review content very efficiently and effectively

FACTS about our Technology

We help you transform content into a competitive advantage