
Business Process : Reconciliation between two documents / data sources is a common task across many R&D processes to compare and verify the content.

Conventional Approach : Reconciliation is performed manually where a reviewer compares the content between the documents. Ad-hoc approaches to facilitate the review such as ‘vlookup’ in excel, ‘find’ in Word and other search and compare techniques in other document types. Such ad-hoc approaches provide limited assessment. E.g. it may give result of ‘Found’ or ‘Not Found’ based on keyword search, but it does not allow a judgement to be made based on contextual similarity and requires extensive manual review. Review of this content at a high frequency can be very resource intensive.

Our Automation Solution : ReconciliAItor performs automated reconciliation of content between two documents using similarity assessment. It allows different approaches to perform similarity assessment which can be configured based on document type, purpose and other user requirements.

Interested in learning more ? Get a demo of ReconciliAItor